Thanks for the stimulating conversation about this topic, Starchie. I learn so much from these sort of chats, and it's prompting so many realizations for me and weaving more threads in the fabric of my reality.

I have experienced frustration as well, but mostly it distresses me when people send me images very precious and clear to them that they are very passionate about and I can't see it. fit I finally came to realize that I should accept that the image is there whether I can see it or not, knowing that these people are seeing images similarly to the way I see them. But I am just not yet attuned to their vision.

I've had some people send me photos with images they see that have their deceased family members, and since I don't have any connection or physical idea of what to hone in on, I often can't see them. And sometimes I think the images might be just highly personalized. I believe there is generally more than one image to be seen in a spirit photo or spirit concentration. I will frequently go back on spirit images I found and highlighted a year before and see new things in it. I guess it is a ripening of sight, as you say, as well as a relevance to current thoughts and circumstances.

When you said you asked aloud to be shown the image, I grinned. Chris told me this back when I first met her. So I began using the technique and then forgot about it. Must remember to ask more frequently (thanks for the hint)! And I also see it as a gift, or like a treasure hunt. A few others who indulge in photographic spirit seeing have said the same to me. cheerful

And I agree, that to relax and not see things conventionally is a basic way to "see". The more I relax my "ideas" about what the lines are in the photo (background, or foreground, or trees, etc.) and just let the lines and shapes express themselves, it is as if I am no longer seeing 3-D, but multi-D. You are truly bringing out many details of this process by discussing this with me. bounce

I also am prompted to mention that while it is a skill that definitely must be honed, as you said, yes I think there are some innate factors involved. I agree with you that "seeing" entails noticing even finer nuances of detail/colours. I have always been so detail oriented that it is almost inhibiting. Patterns and wallpapers comprise my earliest babyhood memories and held great fascination for me. They seemed to transport me in some way as I lay in cribs or sat in high-chairs whether at home or nursery. Then growing up I recall this fabric Raggedy Ann wall-hanging next to my bed. I would stare at the fabric of her dress each night. And I would see these little beings with large heads in the pattern. It took me years to realize that the little beings were really mice sitting on balls, but the fabric had been applied with the pattern upside down so the ball became a head and the mouse's ears became its feet. I believe I was born with a propensity to focus on detail and to see alternate images in patterns.

This further reminds me of memories from when I was an infant, and now tying them in to what I am learning about reality. For instance, I used to be terrified of the "man in the moon". Though I can't recall what I saw that made me complain of this fear frequently at 2 and 3 years old. But it was something about night time and the moon. I also would come up with tidbits of information and when my Dad would ask how I knew that, I'd say my A-bird told me. This idea became meaningful to me when I first found spirit a few years ago, but even more so now that I have met a spirit guide of mine that has wings. And Green Man/Thoth who is a moon god. Hmmm. It actually goes much deeper, but I'll leave it at this as I'm wandering off topic.

I'm glad you see many of my images with relative ease. Your vision is supple. veryhappy And I also love your leprechaun capture. He is quite detailed and accurate to the surroundings and image of a leprechaun! I'll be really looking forward to your discussion on it. Open as many threads as you like. Do it all your way, please! I'll be happy to learn about and discuss with you whatever you wish to share. highfive