Originally Posted by pugrambo
i won't repeat what i sent to Chris yesterday when i found out but even that was the tame version of what i was thinking

i was all excited after the weekend as i did some more work to the 604 and it's getting closer to hitting the road again

i had /have pics ready to go and then nothing

i had the same feeling a few weeks ago when i went to the fridge to grab a beer and there were none left

haha, your text was mild compared to some of the expletives that went through my head... what can ya' do!! - if we all search our own hard drives etc. with the view to rebuilding the lost years, AF can and will survive, our membership will see to that.

It's not looking good, Go-Daddy are not at all sympathetic to our plight, several phone calls and emails are hitting a brick wall. We are searching for the most recent backup we have that will form the basis of the rebuild. At best it looks like we have lost at least 4 years of data (at best!!).

...more later
