Today I am filled with much love & inspiration!

I am so appreciative for my family, such beautiful, purposeful, selfless souls. And our friends near & far...all of the same thread. I'm grateful for everyone in my life, for each has been placed here to accompany me on my journey & I on theirs.

I am grateful for the sun, the moon, the stars & the presence of God in everything that I see, feel, hear, touch, taste & experience.

I am grateful for everything I have learned & the lessons yet to be learned or taught by me, as I am not only a student , but also a teacher who is just still learning.

I am grateful for the trees, the sky, the sand, the grass between my toes & the birds who witness it all.

I am grateful for the cry of a baby, the laugh of a toddler & the love of a child.

I am grateful for the warm days & cool nights that gently take me to that other place, where I know I am from, where I am more than human.

I am grateful for beeing able to
'see', for some can't see what is placed directly in front of them. But I 'see' & from that I learn.

I am grateful for every soul that I have encountered in this wonderous world, for each is a reflection of me, & of God.

I could go on & on, but I feel that there is no need, my thanks is out there, in the universe bouncing around & becoming stronger with each bit of energy that I put into it...only to come back to me tenfold.

When I leave this world, I will take with me everything that I feel, everything that I've learned & everything that I AM, as I have become me over & over again, with a new perspective each time. And who I am will resonate here, as the love I've felt here owns a peice of me forever.

I am grateful for the chance to live, laugh, love, cry & BE. My soul is dancing & my 'love cup' runnith over, because of the people in my life & the life in my reality!

I thank God, Mother God, & the Universe for these things big & small, but most importantly ALL significant. And I thank everything in existance for the people, the friends I've met at AUS-CITY, for these people are my lifelines to my spirituality, growth & my drive to learn more about myself, as they teach me so much.I love each & every one of you!

For some these are simple things easily overlooked, by the hustle & bustle of life taking over. To me it is all that makes up this beautiful life, and with just one thing missing, life wouldn't be as sweet.

Much love & blessings to all I know, each & every one of you are very special to me in my heart, soul & being. I honor this life & every one in it heartbeat flower heartbeat