Guess who?

T'is me who else?! I know I've been MIA for a bit so let me start by welcoming new member Orb Queen. Nice to have you here OQ, I'm looking forward to reading your posts.

Things have been quite hectic around here lately. I am happy to report that Spencer's titanium flexi-nails have been removed from his right femur! He has recovered from the break better than the doc expected & is now hardware free. His surgery was on Good Friday, in & out w/no problems. He's still recovering, but almost 100%.

Two days earlier I was at the hospital waiting out my brother in law, John's surgery. I have to correct myself on a mistake I made in an earlier post. My BIL John doesn't have Spinal synopsis, he has Spinal Stenosis - I confused the names. He did go in for that second opinion & found a doctor who would do the surgery. It was another success! Not only did the doc not have to remove the ruptured disc, he also said that the disc had calcified, which meant no further problems once the nerves were separated from the disc. He actually got to keep the disc that he thought was being removed. After surgery the doc, said that it went better than expected, this was the best case scenario & we couldn't have hoped for any better! He should be able to do more sooner, were his exact words.

A successful recovery & a successful surgery that went better than expected, in one week! I AM blessed.

Still planning a baby shower for my sister Jen...6 more weeks til baby time!!!

I quit my job on Easter Sunday. I am currently looking for new employment. I honestly could not take one more day of my boss's disrespectful mouth & unappreciative butt! I really started to resent the degradation & feeling less than zero every time I walked through the door of that restaurant. I know it's not RIGHT to quit a job before securing another, but in this case it was matter of being HAPPY, rather than being right. My self-worth & self-respect were on the line here & as mom used to say, " If you want a new job, create a space for a new job & the universe will comply.". I used to think she was crazy for saying things like that, now I realize that she knew exactly what she was talking about. Instead of worrying about the lack of a good job in my life & begging God to lead me to one, I've learned from mom that if I create a space for this job by letting go of the other one & I affirm that a great new job will come my way & trust that it will. So many people are unaware that our intentions are what brings certain things into our reality. If I intend to worry & hope & beg & operate from fear of not having a job, then the intentions that I am sending out into the universe will mirror that energy right back to me. But if I rid myself of the job that creates such dis-ease in my mind & body & actually thank God for the great new job that is coming my way, then I've now created an open space for that job to appear. I know, sounds like magic, doesn't it? I guess it kinda is in a way. We are such awesome beings, that we can actually intentionally create the realities that we desire.

From time to time, I forget that I can do these things. I get so bogged down in the human emotion of things, that I forget that I am in control of how my life turns out, I am in control of the realities that I bring into my life. I sometimes have to remind myself that I'm not just human, I'm not just the physical being that I see in the mirror; but a mystical being as well...a universal entity. And as a universal entity I need to keep in mind that the laws of the universe play a bigger role in my reality than the laws of earth do. I have to remember that all of the doubt, insecurities, worry & fear (negative energy) that I put out into the universe, does nothing but bounce back to me creating more doubt, insecurities, worry & fear in my life. It's perpetual karma. So somewhere in all this I have to throw a monkey wrench into the spinning-wheel & stop the whole damn thing. Once I remember that I have the power to switch the gears & ride on the track that I desire, things start making sense again. I have decided that I will no longer wallow in my own problems w/a defeatist attitude, waiting for a change to come knock on my door. I will send out positive energy into the universe knowing that it will come back to me tenfold. I will create openings in my life for the things I desire, instead of expecting them to squeeze in where there's no room. I will again start AFFIRMING that more positive things will show up in my life, instead of ASKING for them to show up. I will thank God for what it is that I want, as if I already have it. AFFIRMATION, POSITIVE ENERGY & TRUST IN THE UNIVERSE...3 major things I have not been using to the best of my abilities, what a shame.

As I sit here proclaiming a new & much needed shift in my spiritual consciousness, I am hit w/a flood of memories or hints if you will, that the universe was talking to me all along & responding to my every demand. When faced w/the fear of not being able to find a job 7 months ago when I decided to end my 7yr run as a stay at home mom & go back into the work force, I got exactly what I asked for. What I kept saying over & over again as I was job hunting was this, " God just help me find a job...any doesn't even have to be a great job, just something to put food on the table!" And that's exactly what I received from the universe. It wasn't a great job, but it put food on the table.

The night before my BIL John's surgery, I fell asleep affirming that John's surgery would go better than expected. The next day the doctor came into the waiting room & said, "It went better than expected!".

These are only two examples of what I'm talking about, but the first shows what happens when you ask & beg out of desperation - fear based energy. The second example shows how the universe responds when you affirm something as if it already was. I thanked God for a successful surgery & a successful surgery is what we got.

So here I am again, recognizing the glimpses of reality that I've created for myself. Wondering why I keep forgetting that I am so powerful, that we all are. And so I will move forward, putting out the positive energy that I know will come back, affirming the greatness in my life & making room for more. And most importantly opening & creating a space for greatness, by letting go of the negative & thanking the universe for the positive that I know I'm capable of bringing into my reality.

I'm glad to be back my AC friends, my hiatus was much too long. Looks like I've missed a lot, can't wait to jump back in. There are some new peeps for me to get to know & some old peeps to touch base with, & I can't wait!

I have to go make dinner for the fam, but I plan to be back on tonight to answer some posts & catch up on all of the new developments that have taken place since I've been absent.
