I agree with, Dawn. yes Beautiful, Jaime!

I sooo agree with the stating and listing out our blessings and acknowledging what we are grateful for. I have done this as well and what a huge difference it makes! It can pull you out of any hole of despair. It is the single fix for me in all scenarios. Bravo, Jaime! bravo Bravo!

Here is a bit from my running list of things that I keep pinned to the side of my bed and have done for the last few years to remind me of how to think better and to remain grateful and to bring more love and blessings showering down on me.

Focus 100% on positive. Diet from all negative thoughts.

Note only what I did accomplish.

Service without complaint. Fix it or accept it.

Take only that which I really want.

Allow myself to be helped always.

Be calm and assertive (thanks Ceasar).

Know what I want, state it, and imagine it continuously. Dig and dig to know what is truly wanted.

Assess -- Is it about me, or is it someone else's lesson and issues? If it is not about me, let it go.

Let go and Let God.

Listen. Be silent and still.

Whisper words of wisdom.

Be conscious.

Know that I deserve everything wanted and needed.

If confused, stagnating, or if inertia sets in, just move! Do anything and new perspective will occur.

Allow abundance to flow into my life unabated. Allow excess to flow out of my life unabated. Allow balance.

There are many solutions.

Love thyself.

For pure will unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is in every way perfect.

Flow with God's will.

God's will is my will.

Believe ---> Perceive ----> Receive

Think happy thoughts.

I am beautiful.