You're right I Hate Gov, the Department does get it wrong. It would be naive of people to think that this Government run Department, or any Government or Community Organisation get it right 100% of the time. My heart goes out to families that have had their lives torn apart by the Department over false allegations and lies. I couldn't imagine how it would feel to have lies made up about me and my children taken away from me. My heart also goes out to families that have had other government and community organisations get it wrong and have the same effect. I'm not sure what it is, maybe it's human nature, but when there's people involved there's mistakes made, human error and out right injustices that occur. I don't think that there is anyway around it, unless we can make every human being perfect.

I think that people working in the Department who are intent on making up lies about families should be punished, there's just no excuse for it. There is a lot of power and responsibility given to these people and care and time should be taken to get the facts. I won't deny that there are people in the Department that shouldn't be working there. But just as with any other place, there are good people who are trying to help families and make a difference.

I know for a fact that Julie would not get a job in the Department. Her views on what the Department stand for are so far fetched and unrealistic and she obvsiously has a vandetta against someone that is very unhealthy. I also know for a fact that the Department would not implement such a callous and horrible standard for investigating notifications. They're in enough hot water with the community as it is. Why do something so uncalled for just to add fuel to the fire. Whoever Julie is getting her information from has it completely wrong.

It's not just men who abuse children. Women abuse children just as much. And children abuse other children. Julie obviously has some issues from her marriage that she needs to sort out. How would removing "all suspected child abusing men" fix anything? What about the women who are abusing the children? What about the siblings that are abusing each other? What about the neighbours and grandparents that are doing the same? Not only that, but just because someone says that it's happening, doesn't mean that it is. You need evidence to remove anyone from a situation like that.

I think that educating the public is a great idea. Everyone should know what their rights are when it comes to dealing with the Department and any other government run organisation.

As for departmental officers that do the wrong thing...It upsets me, it makes me sick to my stomach. To think that these people have the power to help people and change lives and KEEP families together, and yet they do the complete opposite.