Look I am sorry I am such a pessimist but I think this whistle blower will somehow be silenced. It won't go any further. It makes good and shocking news for the masses but they won't go much further with it. I bet it will get squashed somehow.
Yet, we all know the truth about the police (and docs for that matter). If you did a survey of the community it would reveal that most people believe that the police are shonky.
But nothing will be done, it is all too hard for the government to clean up.
And the people sleep on in apathy.

Power corrupts
Total power totally corrupts.

So when the police and docs are given unlimited power of course these services are going to attract a certain type of person. These people would be quite pathological. They also know they belong to the untouchable class in society.

I could place a bet that that news will get swept under the carpet and forgotten about.
And the corruption will continue.

Usually I am an upbeat, positive person. But about these corrupt government bodies I am totally cynical.