Yes, so true George as I am one of those mothers!
Now passing on what my friend emailed to me and is ok about me plagiarising straight onto this forum....

"...Just a bit I found in one of my books on relective practice, which is someting that all docs workers shold be doing by the way. reflection is about introspection and looking at personal values and judgements, personal biographies that might influence our work.

Critical knowledge is derived from some key ideas in critical social science, which emerged from the social and epistemological needs that presented after WW1. In a netshell, a group of philopsophers of the Frankfurt School decided that a way ofgenerating knowlege other than through the scientific method was needed to open new thinking about human knowing and experience, in order to prevent future wars and domination by oppressive regimes. Critical knowledge has the potential ot be emancipatory - that is, it can free people from the oppression of their entranched social and personal conditions.

The need for emancipation comes from the assumption tha tcertain people, in the circumstances in which they find themselves, may suffer oppression and constraints of some kind, by other people and regimes. Freedom from oppression comes from being aware that is is happening in terms of historical, social, politicl, cultural and economic deteminants and from find themeans to do something about it.

(source - Tayor, B., (2006). Reflective Practice: A guide for nurses and midwives: second edition. Maidenhead: Open University Press.)

It would seem to me that this a lot of what docs need to do, and none of what it is doing. The way I see emancipation can be seen from several different angles. Is that emancipation for the child? The mother? Or both - when they finally are 'reunited' (dumped) by docs altogether?

I ust found this stuff for my essay, and when I was reading it I found I was thinking mor in terms of damage created by docs, than for what I was looking for for my essay..."

Anyway that is from another professional out there in the real world to is totally awake to docs and their style of dishing out their crap to all.