Hello to anyone who still reads this site.
I wish to give you an update on the book I am writing (about my encounter with docs). Well after I had to copy those tapes of my conversations with DOCS (as per request from the independent enquiry) I felt sick to the pit of my stomach and couldn't face writing anymore of the book. I went off and played scrabble on line and did other things to avoid the book. So now some three weeks later I felt ready to get into it again. I am writing again.
I wrote close to 10,000 words this past weekend!! True. With my son having an access visit with his father - that freed me up quite a bit. I will now soldier on with this process. If anyone else has a story to tell then start writing your docs story too. Currently there are no books on the market that expose what this government department is doing. I urge more people to do this. Docs seem untouchable - you can't sue them even if you have grounds for it but you can certainly get creative and write about your experiences.
Often i have doubts about my ability to write a book but there are plenty of people out there who will proof read, help you structure it more correctly. You just need to start somewhere, keep chipping away at it and eventually it will come to fruition.