Originally Posted by LovingMyKids
Well there's definitely no justice in this state. Our hearing went for an hour with the judge not wishing to give the department any custody arrangements but ordered to reunify.

So they are reunifying with my ex which is good, I have no worries with that, we get on but and here's the but I have been denied contact now, can't complain to the local office, or the complaints unit let alone the Minister with anything being directed to the client relations officer at the zone office for our area.

I tried to work it out through her with her denying this and too bad too sad type comment thrown in of no review mechanism's available to me.

I have tried to enlist the matter back into court due to this contact issue and another matter but have been told the judge won't hear it until it is next heard, Dec 2008. so I'm stuck with now NO contact at all, no review/appeal or complaint processes for me or the kids and if ex-hubby thinks about supporting me on this, reunification will be stopped with him also!

All because their evidence was found to be false, and the judge didn't want to pull them up on it, he now won't hear anything and won't come December. By then the mountain of non-abidance, threats, intimidation and illegal issues coming forth from this is unbelievable! The are not transparent or accountable even with the court system!

Bloody sickening.

I was told that most of these types of court cases the Judge is asleep on the Job. As for DoCHS more I read about them, the more I feel they're a law of their own and you wonder today doesn't anybody care.