
I want to know why when you look at docs glossy information reports the kids always look like they are off an ad for the colours of Benneton

I have just been looking at the "Department of Child Safety Research Strategy" 2008 update.

And I have to laugh Margaret Keech writes that "The department of Child Safety has four key values; Children, Accountability, Respect and Excellence. Let's strive to CARE as we take on the challenge of child protection."

I am laughing 'cause once I wrote about the CARE factor standing for 'Cover Arse Remain Employed'.

Yeah, docs C.A.R.E alright. ha ha. They make up false allegations and then cover their arse by making up more lies.

Then this piece of work goes on to talk about "Quality Practice"
There's lots of interesting stuff in point form there. The bit that jumps out to me (only because of our personal experience) is the "Attanchment and trauna in chidren and young people in the child protection system."
I just wonder how they will manage this - remember in my story the child is removed because child is deemed at risk due to mother's thoughts and then is actually abused whilst in foster care and then further traumatised through being shipped interstate to NSW and docs want the mother (me) and father to end up having a shared care situation dispite the 200km separating them. But in the end docs dump the child back into the care of the mother. No further work or words about any trauma. In fact they went to length to cover the fact that the child was abused whilst in foster care.
Remember I have those photos of my child that depicts the aggression (trauma) on his face those initial months after docs return him home. Poor kid wouldn't know what was going on.

Anyway have a look at this and make up your own mind.

Then the last picture is of an extended family who look very upper middle class. Nice clothing, nice teeth, nice back yard, nice haircuts.
Hmmm, do docs propose that all children in care look like this? Or that they think 'normal' families look like this? All of them decked out in white.

It reminds me of something you might see from an old communist regime, like something of their propoganda whereby they are trying to portray their livestyles as carefree and happy yet in reality the people are in slums.

I personally think those Margaret Keech types and her ilk that are so far up the chain have no idea to what really does on down here.